cott WORKS 2007-2011

Category: portfolio Published: 2011.12 Format: A4 Pages: 26

cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
Works of cott can be categorized into six categories according to theories. This book shows these processes through our works. cottの制作物が経るプロセスは主に6つの方法論に分類される。その制作物を取り上げながら、それらが経るプロセスの基となる考え方を紹介する。
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Category: portfolio Published: 2012.02 Format: duodecime (siroku-series) Pages: 64

cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
cott WORKS 2007-2011
This booklet consists of photographs since we started to work here in Ogo-cho. It went on exhibit at Midtown in Tokyo, Mebic Ougimachi and MaRUZEN & Junkudo Umeda.「ここ」で事務所をはじめてからずっと撮りためてきた写真を中心に構成。「いま」「ここ」の「生」の営みを。東京のミッドタウン、メビック扇町、MARUZZEN & ジュンク堂書店 梅田店にて展示された。
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